Play The Best Golf Courses In The UK

Our favourite courses

Have you got a bucket list of golf courses you want to tick of? Or perhaps you just have a vague idea of what kind of golf courses you want to play but not sure of which area to go to?

We can offer guaranteed tee times at nearly all golf clubs in the UK and Ireland. Some golf courses need to be booked well over a year in advance and some are very expensive, some can only be played on certain days of the week or have a mx hcp for visitors, but lots of them are both affordable and open to all visitors.

With our expertise and planning we can ensure you get to play the best courses for your ability and budget!

Booking Enquiry

1. Royal County Down

A bucket list golf course for many, RCD never disappoints. This golf club is in the ‘must be booked well in advance’ category.

2. Royal Dornoch

We think this is the friendliest Royal clubs of them all, and worth every penny in green fee.

3. New Course

Much more fun than its neighbour Old Course, and a lot easier to get a tee time on.


4. Old Course

The home of golf. Your best bet is beginning of April, extremely difficult to get a guaranteed tee time on.

5. Royal Portrush

The changes made for The Open made this an even better championship golf course.

royal portrush golf course

6. Brora

There’s something special about this place, almost magical, definitely worth the journey.


7. Royal St. George

We’re waiting patiently to see what the pros will think of it when it hosts The Open this year.

royal portrush golf course

8. Muirfield

Steeped in history and controversy, visitors only allowed on Tuesdays and Thursdays.


9. Lahinch

A warm Irish welcome and the most magnificent views, this beauty is worth the trek.

lahinch golf course

10. Dumbarnie Links

The new kid on the block and our personal favourite, perhaps because we got to see it made.


Golfing Destinations